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Saturday 11 June 2016

Ten benefits of Amla

Amla is one of the grandma’s nuskas that we all have been listening to throughout our lives and it is totally effective. The benefits of amla have been known to mankind for many decades. Amlas can be eaten raw, juiced, powdered or simply added in an array of pickles, jamsdips or spreads. Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry is considered a small package with millions of surprises.  It is rich in vitamin C & contains anti-oxidants, fiber and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. It has been a common ingredient in the ancient Indian medicinal practice of Ayurveda. Following are the ten most prominent benefits of consuming "Amla"

1.     High in anti-oxidants
The presence of anti-oxidants in amla protects the body against free radicals. Free radicals are harmful and can damage cells, potentially leading to cancer and other possible diseases.

2.    Powerhouse of nutrients
Amla has high nutritional value. It enriches the person with many minerals and vitamins such as Carotene, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex.

3.    Hair growth
Amla strengthens the hair from roots and brings the natural glow to hair. Amla restores the lost spirit and energy of the hair and makes it lustrous. There are various hair packs available in the market, with amla being the key ingredient. One can prepare it at home as well by mixing lemon and amla powder and then applying it on the hair.

4.    Life span of a person
It is believed that having amla on a daily basis increases life span of a human. Amla comprises of fiber, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. It also improves the immunity system of the body, thus enabling resistance against diseases.

5.    Purifies blood
Amla has anti-oxidant properties that help the body purify the unwanted products from the blood. It is advisable to have amla juice with a little honey twice a day.

6.    Blemish free skin
Amla is considered a natural concealer. Drinking amla juice with honey brings a fresh and everlasting glow on the skin and makes it free from blemishes. Amla juice works perfectly for the removal of pimples and acne scars from the skin.

7.    Fights against heart disease
Amla helps in bringing down cholesterol in the body leading to less chances of heart disease.  It also reduces clogging in the arteries.  Moreover amino acids and antioxidants aid in the overall functioning of heart.

8.    Weight loss
Amla is quite effective in weight loss.  Its high fiber content helps in flushing out waste from the body.  Protein present in amla also helps control cravings. Also having a glass of amla juice before having a meal fills the stomach and then you tend to eat less.

9.    Strengthens bones
Amla is excellent for strengthening bones not just because of its high calcium content, but also for the fact that it lowers osteoclasts, cells that are responsible for breaking up bones.

10.  Boosts immunity
These days most of the people suffer a lot because of their weak immunity system. Amla is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins, and contains tannins. It improves the body’s disease fighting ability.

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