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Tuesday 14 June 2016

Ten benefits of eating dark chocolates

There are days when we all yearn to have chocolates. Majority of the people try and control themselves by subsiding their cravings. What they do is not exactly irrational; after all it is not wrong to point out that chocolates are not the healthiest foods available. But it has been discovered recently that dark chocolates provide a large number of benefits. Following are the top ten benefits of having dark chocolates

1.    Highly nutritious
Although people find it hard to believe, but it is a fact that dark chocolates with high cocoa content are actually quite nutritious. Dark chocolates contain fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc and potassium in decent concentrations.

2.    Source of anti-oxidants
Dark chocolates are filled with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols, catechins, among others. Antioxidants help free your body of free radicals, which cause oxidative damage to cells.

3.    Good for the heart
Dark chocolates prevent artery clogging by maintaining flexibility of the arteries and they also prevent white blood cells from sticking to the walls of blood vessels.

4.    Protect the skin
The sharp rays of the sun that befall upon us are extremely annoying sometimes as our skin is bound to get tanned and other skin related damages too. Dark chocolates protect the skin against sun damage.

5.    Make a person cheerful
Chocolates contain phenylethylamine (PEA), which is the same chemical that our brain creates when a person falls in love.  Dark chocolates make a person feel relaxed and pleasant. Dark chocolates are often recommended to people suffering from depression.

6.    Help in reducing blood pressure
Eating small amounts of dark chocolates occasionally, (i.e.) twice or thrice a week helps in reducing blood pressure. Dark chocolates improve blood flow and may help in preventing the formation of blood clots.

7.    Good for teeth
We have always been told to stay away from chocolates as they ruin our teeth by causing cavities. Well the case is entirely opposite with dark chocolates. Dark chocolates contain theobromine, which harden tooth enamel. Cocoa beans contain tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids, each of which is a type of strong antioxidant that benefits the mouth and teeth.

8.    Higher intelligence
Dark chocolates are a boon for everyone when they are under any kind of stress or pressure. Dark chocolates are best for eating during exams. Not only do they help the body in getting rid of stress, but they also boost our brain power when we really need it.

9.    Relief from cough
We all are very well aware as to how frustrating it gets when we suffer from cough. Well dark chocolates are a remedy for that as well. Theobromine suppresses activity in a part of the brain called the vagus nerve. Also cocoa has demulcent properties, which relieves inflammation or irritation in the throat.

10.Prevent diabetes
At first instance people find it almost impossible to believe that dark chocolates can prevent diabetes. Well, it is infact true. Cocoa improves insulin sensitivity. So dark chocolates in small quantity might delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.

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